Mardi: And a Voyage Thither 1 Herman Melville

Mardi: And a Voyage Thither 1 - Herman Melville
Автор: Мелвилл Герман
Редактор: Краснова И.
Издательство: Т8, 2018 г.
Серия: Original
  • Ответственный редактор: Семенчев Арсен Ефстафьевич
  • Главный художник: Говердов Гертруд Германович
  • Оформитель: Берлеев Николай Афанасьевич
  • Объем: 325
  • Формат: pdf, txt, fb2

О книге "Mardi: And a Voyage Thither 1"
Herman Melville (1819-1891) was an American poet and novelist of the American Renaissance, best known for his allusive adventure novel "Moby-Dick." "Mardi: And a Voyage Thither", the third book of the author, dives deep into the pure fiction territory. As the ideological successor to "Typee" and "Omoo", it tells the story of an American sailor who decided to explore the South Pacific. This time Melville masterfully injects the elements of romance, philosophical reflections, and satire, revealing his writer talent in all its glory. Скачать электронную книгу Mardi: And a Voyage Thither 1 Herman Melville.

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  • Mardi: And a Voyage Thither 1 Herman Melville

  • Mardi: And a Voyage Thither 1 Herman Melville